C.O.P.S. Co-Workers Retreat is planned for surviving co-workers, active or retired, (21 years or older) of law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, as determined by C.O.P.S. criteria. Other relatives and friends are not eligible to attend.
C.O.P.S. Co-Workers Retreat is designed for surviving co-workers to receive support from other law enforcement officers who have experienced a line-of-duty death. Topics of discussion at this program include but are not limited to how to cope with survivor guilt, assisting surviving families, how to help your department understand what you are going through and awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder. It is our goal for you to leave the retreat feeling relaxed, with a continuing support system and a tremendous sense of personal growth and self-awareness for the future. Attendance at this retreat is strictly confidential and participant names are not shared.
For more information and to register, visit Co-Workers
The registration deadline 08/26/2025
WAStateC.O.P.S. offers financial assistance for survivors to attend their retreats.